Unity LockBufferForWrite: When You Should Prefer Them and Why Your Choice Matters

Recently (2022.1) Unity introduced LockBufferForWrite buffer type, and respective API functions: Unity GraphicsBuffer.LockForWrite The documentation states “The returned native array points directly to GPU memory if possible.” It made me curious, how close is this “directly” exactly? Heaps in modern graphics API To summarize, currently there are two sources of the data between CPU and […]

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Is .NET 8 performant enough?

While I’m experementing on making my execution environment for C++/C# interop I became curious about the performance of .NET 8 (under CoreCLR, not Mono). Maybe I can use it without Burst and transition via P/Invoke at all? Test suite Thankfully there’s already a test bench for Burst: https://github.com/nxrighthere/BurstBenchmarks As we can see there, .NET Core 3.1’s […]

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